فارسی عربي

Iranian designer to hold exhibition in Kiev

Iranian acclaimed graphic designer Jalal Khosroshahi is to hold an exhibition in Kiev, Ukraine.

Iranian much-admired graphic designer Jalal Khosroshahi has been scheduled to hold an exhibition of works and deliver lecture in Kiev, Ukraine.

Khosroshahi, 30, will hold the self-introductory exhibition in Kiev’s Mronova Gallery on September 30-October 2, 2017.

The venue will display a selection of his posters and Khosroshahi will deliver a lecture titled ‘My Graphic Design Style’.

The main theme of his lecture is set on minimalist graphic art, Persian typography and his personal style in designing poster.

Born in 1987 in Tehran and a member of the Iranian Graphic Designers Network, Khosroshahi has been a prolific artist since 2005.

Studying Graphics at the Technical College of Enqelab Eslami, he has designed a typeface (font set) of his own and served as graphic designer and art director.

The artist has held and taken part at numerous exhibitions, including the first to fourth Exhibition Holy Quran Surans Setting from 2007 to 2010, the second Exhibition Ashoora Posters Mourning Iranian Artists Home in 2008, the sixth to eleventh International Festival of Besmellah Poster Niyavaran Academy in 2009 and 2014, the forth era Student Graphic Year Book by Rasm Publication in 2009, the International Exhibition Peace Poster in Dansk Plakat Museum in 2012, the Poster Republication Exhibition Holy Quran Surans Setting in Malaysia in 2013, and the tenth International Toyama Poster in Japan in 2013.

